Imagine if 287 floating cities came to your neighborhood. And dumped their waste in your grocery store, your church, and your local pub.

It’s an unfortunate reality in one of the world’s great places. 287 cruise ships are slated to visit Yakutat Bay in 2023. The fleet has increased from thirty five to fifty ships, and in one year has increased its passenger counts from 75% in 2022 to 90% in 2023, with an estimated 700 sailings throughout Southeast Alaska.

That’s why we believe in pack it in, pack it out.

It’s a principle recognized the world over. Especially when visiting wilderness sites. But the Cruise Ship industry depends on constant emissions into our environment to keep operating and continues to fight citizen’s initiative-backed regulations of wastewater, gray water, and other toxic emissions.

Stand With Us. Protect our Trees.

We oppose clearcut logging in Yakutat. We believe that this incredible environment is part of a world heritage area. It is much more valuable as wilderness and as a place for humans who choose wilderness, than it could ever be when reduced to a mere ingredient that’s used to produce a product in a factory.

Stand with us to protect the Barrier Islands and to get the City of Yakutat to do the right thing and rezone the islands as Conservation Districts.

The Malaspina - A Glacier So Big That Sea Levels Will Rise Worldwide As It Melts

The Malaspina Glacier is melting at an alarming rate. Glaciologists believe that within fifty to a hundred years this massive glacier will have formed a bay so large you will be able to see it from space. We believe in science. And that there’s no better classroom than Yakutat Bay. Partner with us as we build educational curricula centered around Yakutat Bay, our tidewater glaciers, and this wild coast.

We Believe in Science. And Education.

And that there’s no better classroom than Yakutat Bay. Partner with us as we build educational curricula centered around Yakutat Bay, our tidewater glaciers, and this wild coast.